I’m the founder of The VR Tales.
I’m a gamer and fantasy fan with an alternative background. My genuine passion for technology and imaginary worlds has extended over the years to virtual reality, story telling and exploring the mind. I’m an opinionated dreamer who strongly values freedom.
My mission is to make the wildest dreams possible for anyone. Technology can bring us there.
Coming from an engineering background, I favor a no-nonsense approach to life and building simple and intuitive systems that anyone can follow.
I’m the author of Buying a Mac without breaking the Bank.
Over the years I’ve honed skills in project management, product development, marketing and sales. And learned how to validate ideas, plan, build and launch a product, and sell it.
Recently, I’ve read countless books, listened to hundred of podcasts and took several courses to build up my knowledge of VR and game design, programming, neuroscience, strategy, business and entrepreneurship. So I can guide others on their journey to creating a business around their passion for VR.
I’m now creating VR experiences and sharing what I learn along the way, here on the VR Tales.
I live in Vevey, Switzerland with my wife and daughter.